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Welcome to Neuland-Blog!

Here we inform you about innovations, news and interesting things from the product and theme world of Neuland,
News from the scene, web finds, appointments, operating instructions and downloads.

Here we inform you about innovations, news and interesting things from the product and theme world of Neuland,
News from the scene, web finds, appointments, operating instructions and downloads.

Visualize Blog

Neuland Marker gibt’s in 49 verschiedenen Farben. Im neuen Buch «bikablo Poster» empfiehlt Bikablo 11 verschiedene Farbtöne als Grundausstattung. Damit lassen sich bereits viele verschiedene Farbkombinationen realisieren. Probier’s aus! Wir zeigen dir, wie’s geht.


  • 2 min read

Die erste GraphicWall für Visualisierungen mit Marker auf Papier. Perfekt für Videocalls und Online-Trainings.

  • 2 min read
The Neuland TwinOne® is doubly ingenious. Because it has two different tips: a wedge tip and a brush tip. The pronounced wedge tip gives the writing character. With the soft brush tip, variable line widths are no problem. The Neuland TwinOne® is available in many different colors. And of course it is also available as an outliner and as a blank marker.
  • 1 min read
Would you like to conjure up colorful, straight and long lines on your FlipCharts from time to time? It's child's play with Neuland Artist Tape. You can also use the Artist Tape to quickly and easily stick paper to walls. For example, if you don't have a flipchart or pinboard available. Last but not least, the tape is ideal for sticking rolls of paper together and writing on them.
  • 1 min read
With the poster machine, you can quickly turn a topic into a simple, attractive presentation poster! If you have practiced and prepared your topic well, you won't need more than fifteen minutes. Because the principle of the poster machine is: "Keep it simple!" Instead of creating the most original poster of all time, get a topic into the room quickly and easily. An idea from the book "UZMO" by Martin Haussmann.
  • 2 min read
Neuland moderation cards have been available for many years in many colors, shapes and sizes. They have proven themselves millions of times over in seminars and workshops around the world. Classic moderation cards from Neuland continue to impress with their ingenious simplicity. If the cards need to be rearranged, they can be easily removed from the pinboard and re-inserted in the new location using the pin.
  • 1 min read
The lighthouse is a powerful motif. It stands for guidance, orientation and safety. But how do you draw a lighthouse? And what symbols are there for change, feedback and leadership? The book "Business Symbols" by Johannes Sauer provides the answer. It shows you how to draw meaningful motifs and visualize your messages using hand-drawn symbols.
  • 1 min read
A great product for graphic recording and visualizations. Discover the XXL V3 specialty board from Neuland.
  • 2 min read
A classic flip chart is often too big for meetings and workshops with a small number of participants. And the moderator is too far away. For this reason, Neuland has developed the "TableTop" flipchart: Ideal for meetings and presentations with two to ten participants. With "TableTop", projects can be shown quickly and easily, goals can be recorded and content can be visualized.
  • 1 min read
You can't draw but still want to sketch? Then this book by Tanja Wehr is made for you!
  • 1 min read
In his new book, Mike Rohde shows how to work out ideas, put them on paper and share them with others.
  • 1 min read
Outliners from Neuland are the perfect pens for outlines and for texts that must not smudge when coloring.
  • 1 min read