As a rule, delivery is made from our warehouse in Rotkreuz. The risk is transferred to the buyer as soon as the goods have left the warehouse. Even in the case of carriage paid delivery, the goods travel at the buyer's risk.
The delivery period is calculated from the date of our order confirmation and receipt of agreed advance payments until the goods are ready for dispatch.
In the event of extraordinary circumstances which delay or prevent the manufacture or delivery of the goods, such as war, blockades, strikes, interstate trade difficulties, fire, water and other hindrances for which we are not responsible, we shall be entitled to extend the delivery period accordingly or to cancel the purchase contract, to the exclusion of any claims for damages on the part of the buyer. Delayed delivery does not entitle the purchaser to claim damages or to withdraw from the contract.
The prices are quoted ex warehouse Rotkreuz excluding the statutory value added tax of 8.1% (books 2.6%).
Our invoices are payable net within 30 days of the invoice date.
Minor deviations in dimensions, shape and color, as well as staining are permitted and do not entitle the buyer to complain. We supply surface colors according to our color charts valid at the time of contract conclusion. We reserve the right to charge a surcharge for color shades other than those listed here and for color samples sent in. The customer is advised that a corresponding deviation in the appearance of the original color is possible. We reserve the right to make improvements due to technical progress.
In the event of recognizable defects, the purchaser must notify us immediately (at the latest within 1 week) after receipt of the delivery. If hidden defects only become apparent later, notification must be made immediately after discovery. If no such notification is made, the delivery shall be deemed to have been approved. Any damage caused by shipping must be ascertained and confirmed by a representative of the transport company or by our driver.
Our guarantee extends for a period of 12 months from the date of readiness for dispatch for any defects which can be proven to have their cause in material defects or faulty manufacture. Our warranty is limited, at our discretion, to replacement or repair of the defective products or components or to reimbursement of the invoice value of the non-replaced products or components. Any further warranty, in particular for so-called consequential damage, is excluded. We cannot accept any liability for modifications or repairs that have not been carried out by our own specialists or by specialists designated by us.
We undertake to carry out the delivery in accordance with the contract. Any further liability towards the customer is excluded.
We retain title to all products sold until receipt of the full purchase price and are entitled to arrange for a corresponding entry to be made in the relevant retention of title register. The buyer also gives his consent to the notification of the lessor.
All our sales and deliveries are subject to these terms and conditions in their entirety, unless they have been amended or supplemented by written agreements.
The parties agree that the place of performance and jurisdiction shall be Zug (Canton of Zug).