
Poster machine: a presentation flipchart in 15 minutes

Plakatmaschine: In 15 Minuten zum Präsentations-Flipchart

With the poster machine, you can quickly turn a topic into a simple, attractive presentation poster! If you have practiced and prepared your topic well, you won't need more than fifteen minutes. Because the principle of the poster machine is: "Keep it simple!" Instead of creating the most original poster of all time, get a topic into the room quickly and easily. An idea from the book "UZMO" by Martin Haussmann.

A: Clarify the core message of your poster

Formulate it as a keyword, question or statement. Write the core message in a container and place it as a headline in the middle or at the top of the poster.

B: Find a simple motif that gets to the heart of your message

Draw it at the top, in the middle or at the bottom of a flipchart sheet. There are four approaches you can use to find this motif (see below).

C: Add text

Now add your text content in short sentences or keywords. Write them in compact text packages instead of long lines.

D: Design the texts

If necessary, pack the content into containers and illustrate it with pictograms where it supports the content.

E: Connect the text content

Use lines or arrows to indicate whether aspects, effects or influences are involved. Or whether they follow on from each other in a process.

F: Finish the poster

Draw a frame around the poster. Color and shade sensibly with two to three light colors.

UZMO - thinking with the pen

The book "UZMO - thinking with the pen" by Martin Haussmann is the first to present visual learning and mediation, sketchnoting and graphic recording, visual facilitating and visual coaching and working with images in change processes within an overall system. With practical examples and step-by-step instructions, it opens new doors into the world of visualization for beginners and advanced users
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