
New territory- your expert for presentation and moderation material

New territory- your expert for presentation and moderation material

The right moderation and presentation material makes it easy for you to clearly present content from conferences, seminars and training sessions. Break on new shores and discover new territory. We help you to pack your knowledge in captivating presentations and to support your listeners with intuitive means in understanding and noticing. In our online shop for visualization material you get everything you need for living and presenting.

The right moderation and presentation material makes it easy for you to clearly present content from conferences, seminars and training sessions. Break on new shores and discover new territory. We help you to pack your knowledge in captivating presentations and to support your listeners with intuitive means in understanding and noticing. In our online shop for visualization material you get everything you need for living and presenting.

What over 40,000 satisfied customers say about us

Neuland Marker gibt’s in 49 verschiedenen Farben. Im neuen Buch «bikablo Poster» empfiehlt Bikablo 11 verschiedene Farbtöne als Grundausstattung. Damit lassen sich bereits viele verschiedene Farbkombinationen realisieren. Probier’s aus! Wir zeigen dir, wie’s geht.


Die erste GraphicWall für Visualisierungen mit Marker auf Papier. Perfekt für Videocalls und Online-Trainings.

The Neuland TwinOne® is doubly ingenious. Because it has two different tips: a wedge tip and a brush tip. The pronounced wedge tip gives the writing character. With the soft brush tip, variable line widths are no problem. The Neuland TwinOne® is available in many different colors. And of course it is also available as an outliner and as a blank marker.
Would you like to conjure up colorful, straight and long lines on your FlipCharts from time to time? It's child's play with Neuland Artist Tape. You can also use the Artist Tape to quickly and easily stick paper to walls. For example, if you don't have a flipchart or pinboard available. Last but not least, the tape is ideal for sticking rolls of paper together and writing on them.
With the poster machine, you can quickly turn a topic into a simple, attractive presentation poster! If you have practiced and prepared your topic well, you won't need more than fifteen minutes. Because the principle of the poster machine is: "Keep it simple!" Instead of creating the most original poster of all time, get a topic into the room quickly and easily. An idea from the book "UZMO" by Martin Haussmann.
Neuland moderation cards have been available for many years in many colors, shapes and sizes. They have proven themselves millions of times over in seminars and workshops around the world. Classic moderation cards from Neuland continue to impress with their ingenious simplicity. If the cards need to be rearranged, they can be easily removed from the pinboard and re-inserted in the new location using the pin.

Presentation material

It is often the training funds that make learning and teaching more intuitive. Take your audience on a virtual hike through your topics and watch the senses sharpen while you can sketch your thoughts in a comprehensible way on the flipchart or whiteboard.

There are content in the best presentations that cannot be expressed at the linguistic level. Then the visualization material comes into play. In order to focus the concentration of your audience and clearly present information, flipcharts, pin boards and the right writing instruments are the perfect instruments. With our presentation, moderation and training material, you can design data, facts and insights in no time at all that you are remembered.

Rent presentation material
You will find training material with us that helps you prepare your workshop and moderation material that you can borrow for your event or your lecture. We equip you with high-quality pin boards, flipcharts and moderation cases in the short and long term. Just send us one Request for the rental service of pin boards and flipcharts.

Moderation material
From our own production

In 1994 the first new territory came onto the market and laid the foundation for our current range, which now ranges from XS markers to XXXL markers. What is special about our in -house stationery is its unique shape, which means that they lie particularly well in the hand and do not roll off the table. On the other hand, our markers were already designed in 1994 in the sense of sustainability: they can be refilled, the tips can be replaced and thus defy the throw -away company. If you want to think with the pen and present your ideas in an understandable way, new territory markers are the ideal assistants for you.

Presentation needs
Discover online

With the right aids, it will be easier to carry knowledge to your audience. Whether training responsibers, visualizers, Pinnwand moderator, buyer, group leader, lecturer, teacher, coach, trainer or project manager: Our visualization material is aimed at everyone who wants to develop something before or with groups and want to present them with entertainment effect.

➔ Own production: Where there is new territory, there is new territory.

➔ Quality promise: Our tools are durable, functional and aesthetic. We have been following this claim for over 30 years.

➔ Sustainably innovative: in 1994 the first refillable new territory was launched. At that time, when sustainability was not yet a trend term, it was already part of our company DNA.

About new territory, the shop
For visualization material

Ordering presentation, training and moderation material is more convenient and simple than ever. We specifically supply Switzerland and Liechtenstein with exclusive new territory in which years of know-how. We combine the experience with the hardware (the product) and software (the seminars and knowledge). If you ask us, this is the ideal combination to give moderators, coaches and trainers ideas and possible uses for practice.

At a time when the watches are increasingly digital and the desire for haptic experiences and originality, we focus on real, tangible products. In our online shop you will not find digital articles, but flipcharts, pin boards and moderation material that appeals to all the senses and is therefore the best addition to digital aids. It surprises, builds up binding, makes lectures more exciting and entertaining. Try it out!