Would you like to show the participants of your seminars, workshops and meetings in an impressive way that they usually don't listen or look properly? Then amaze those present with a magic trick that is as simple as it is ingenious!
Take a standard deck of cards and stack them on the table in front of you so that they are clearly visible to all participants. The pictures go on the bottom. Sort the deck of cards beforehand without the participants' knowledge. Do this so that the top four cards are 8, 7, 7 and 8. As the deck of cards is face up, the cards are not visible to the participants.
"I am now going to show you a magic trick. Please try to find out how I did this trick. From now on, all participants are forbidden to speak!"
Play phase
Ask someone to take the top two cards from the deck, look at them and show them to the other seminar participants. These are cards 8 and 7. Your helper can then put the card back in the pile. You can do this in two different places.
Then tap on the pile of cards and reveal the two top cards. They are 7 and 8. All participants think they recognize the same cards that were previously shown and then pushed into the pile. In reality, however, they are two different cards. The seminar participants have been (too) careless with the information - as is usually the case in their daily work.
The game comes from the book: Spielbar. 51 trainers present 77 top games from their seminar practice. A colorful collection of game ideas, directly from the user. Games that have proven themselves in seminar practice. Areas of application: Conflict, communication and creativity management, bringing group processes to life, spontaneous action, representing points of view, practising cooperation.
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