Talk yourself healthy.
"Above all, I wish you good health!" You probably also gave this wish to loved ones at the turn of the year and received it yourself. The way you speak to your friends can make a decisive contribution to whether your wish actually comes true. After all, "foul language" has a considerable influence on our well-being.
Health and well-being do not fall from the sky - they require continuous effort. It is often "too much disorder" that makes us ill in body, mind and soul: We have too much hustle and bustle, too much anger and too many negative thoughts. In addition, our language is too "dirty". By "dirty language", we don't mean street slang, but the many small and large communication sins that consciously or unconsciously accompany us throughout the day.
These include sentences such as: "Well, yes, that doesn't surprise me!". "Can't you listen?". "Am I in a mental asylum here?". "I can't have a discussion with you!" "If I say that, then it's true!" Have you ever been annoyed by this kind of speech filth? Then you have not only heard the spoken word, but also the subliminal messages. Sentences like this not only hurt a person's self-esteem, but also stress their body.
80% of interpersonal disturbances are based on language
It is no surprise to anyone that dirty water or contaminated food can trigger epidemics. However, many contemporaries are unaware that polluted language poses a serious health risk to body, mind and soul. Studies show that around 80% of all interpersonal disturbances are caused by such and similar "communication pests". So be on your guard! Protect yourself so that you don't become a victim of "dirty talkers" and set a good example. You don't have to learn a new language to do this, just a few binding speaking rules.
- Always communicate your information in the individualized form. Avoid generalizations such as "one", "we", "all", "always".
- Only ask questions if you are really interested in the answer.
- Only enter into a conversation if your aim is to reach an understanding. To do this, put yourself in a constructive frame of mind.
Dr. Christel Frey
IFF NoSTRESS Institute