With theStrippen-Zieher.
With the StrippenZieher, participants in seminars and workshops pull on many strings - but always in one direction. The drawing game simultaneously promotes dexterity, social skills and encourages collaborative action. The interaction in the group effectively supports team building.
The StrippenZieher is a dynamic and creative drawing game and is suitable for groups of up to 10 people. During the game, special tasks have to be mastered through teamwork. A pen (e.g. the Neuland NoOne) is fixed in the middle and the participants guide it across the paper by means of strings. The stripper comes with 10 colored strings, a marker and comprehensive instructions for various seminar games.
Here's how to use the string puller in your workshop
Task- Draw something together, solve a task together.
- Stick paper on a table or on the floor.
- Drawing pens: Neuland markers, wax crayons or brushes.
- Clean asphalt, smooth sand, smooth snow. Drawing pens: road chalks.
- The group is given a drawing task. For example: "Harmony", "Conflict" etc.
- No theme is given and the result is interpreted: to whom does the picture/writing point? Guidance of the pen: who dominated?
- 2 to 3 groups are formed. Each of these groups is given a secret task. All groups must spread out evenly around the pencil puller in order to draw all the tasks.
- task for 2 groups: e.g. car body and car wheels
- task for 3 groups: e.g. flower, stem and leaves
Which group came out on top? Was the common goal of drawing a car or a flower achieved? - An ambiguous task is set (e.g. "Draw a leaf/rooster") without further explanation. What misunderstandings occurred and how were they solved?
- One group depicts proverbs. The other group has to guess the proverbs.
- A labyrinth or maze is given. The participants have to draw the path without crossing the boundary line.
- Individual groups can put their wishes for the future on paper together or draw portraits.
In all variants, it can be specified whether or not talking is allowed.
The advantages of the Strippen-Zieher for your seminars and workshops
- Strippen-Zieher promotes social skills
- Strippen-Zieher activates joint action
- Strippen-Zieher stimulates creative problem-solving behavior
- Stripper-puller trains eye and hand coordination and strength control
- Stripper-puller awakens and increases concentration
- Stripper-puller makes reaction patterns visible: When do I have to give in/release in order to achieve a result?
- Stripping puller is fun
The Stripping Puller is the perfect introduction to a seminar
Start of a seminar- An amusing and easy-to-implement introduction. Get to know names, activate participants, awaken group spirit.
- Communicate, act goal-oriented, cooperate, recognize interdependencies.
- Communicate explicitly and effectively, motivate through information, create trust