
Always the right material with you

Immer das richtige Material dabei

with a flexible facilitator's case

If you regularly lead seminars and workshops, you will need your own facilitator's case. But what kind of material belongs in such a case? What is perfect for one workshop may be completely unsuitable for the next seminar. With the Novario system, Neuland offers a simple and ingenious solution for quickly and easily equipping facilitator's cases with the right material for the next seminar or workshop.

Facilitators have their own personal preferences. Thanks to the Novario system from Neuland, anyone who runs seminars and workshops can put together their own case and set it up individually. The patented method also makes it possible to adapt the contents of the case to the next seminar or workshop in no time at all. Whether you just need lots of pens in many different colors or want to have the complete moderation set with evaluation and mood points with you: Thanks to Novario, the contents of a moderator's case can be put together in no time at all.
Seminar hotel employees also benefit: They can quickly and easily swap out the boxes for new ones before the seminar begins and check, add to and prepare the used boxes for the next use at their leisure. The boxes are also extremely practical for group work: Instead of laboriously distributing individual markers or cards, you can simply hand out entire boxes to the participants.
The intelligent Novario module boxes are impressive in terms of function and design: they are made of embossed cardboard in elegant black and have a fixed center bar with a beige leather handle loop. The Novario family includes the Novario® Basic moderator case, the Novario® and Novario XL workshop cases, the Novario® WorkPack, the Novario® workshop trolley, the Novario® shoulder bag and the Novario®

BasicBoxesorder moderator cases, workshop cases and BasicBoxes "Novario".