
Values are becoming increasingly important for companies

Werte werden für Unternehmen immer wichtiger

Values are becoming increasingly important for companies

Values are on everyone's lips. But what exactly are "values"? Etymologically speaking, the term is relatively new. It only emerged with its current meaning in the century before last. The Duden dictionary describes "value" briefly and concisely as "meaning, validity".
Values are possible basic attitudes in the individual personality of a person, a team or a company. For example: "justice", "honesty" and "respect". Values are like fundamental rules that people follow internally. However, they are not hard rules that define fixed guidelines, but rather guidelines for different situations.
The special thing about values is that they are meaningful. Those who are guided by values such as "loyalty", for example, give life a fundamental direction and experience themselves as valuable in the process. Values are essential but not sufficient for the search for meaning. Meaning also needs a task, a goal or a vision.

Values should not be defined or proclaimed

Introducing values through appeals or declarations of intent is a critical path. Values should not be defined and proclaimed, but "introduced" through a constant exchange process. Values need time to grow, constant attention and a positive focus in order to develop organically - in line with the culture and the people.
Values are expressed particularly clearly in "ritual actions". These are habits with which we unconsciously give meaning to ourselves, as a group, as a team or as a company. Through constant repetition, "ritual actions" stabilize the values that these habits stand for. Value development can therefore mean uncovering these value-oriented habits, reflecting on them, consciously reinforcing them or consciously interrupting them.

Five strategies for introducing values into a company

In principle, there are very different strategies for introducing values into a company.
1Declaration of intent
Values develop through the role model function of the company founder - often without being explicitly mentioned. A natural process.
The classic and at the same time critical way. Values are set by management or developed by working groups and published as a mission statement.
Experienced values are reflected upon, discovered, strengthened or weakened. Values thus grow into a company.
4Solution contribution
Value orientation is used to solve certain problems in the company. Values thus immediately have a high benefit.
5(Pride) reinforcer
Certain values are already lived and reinforced by consciously uncovering them.

Values hike: Dealing with values in practice

Excerpt from the card booklet "Dealing with values"

Sensory perception increases the ability to reflect.

Several participants walk around the room. Each person has 10 to 20 values written on cards and constantly recites them to themselves, speaking half aloud to themselves. Once all the cards have been read out, they can be exchanged with another person without saying a word.
At the same time, several other participants also walk around the "values room" in silence. Beforehand, they define for themselves which important topic they are going to address in the "values room". They intuitively check which values they encounter in relation to their topic: Which values attract, which repel, which are missed. The values that resonate most strongly are noted on a card.
The roles can then be changed. Finally, there is an exchange about all the values that were perceived more strongly.

The expression of the values must not be intrusive; a pleasant sound carpet should be created in the room.

Book tip: Dealing with values

Dealing with values, introducing values in a company, is a sensitive topic. This important topic can quickly become "burnt out". Everyone is "value competent" from their life experience.

Order the book "Dealing with values" in the Neuland Shop.