Untying knots - a game that can be used to train the topics of "leadership" and "team development" in seminars and workshops in an impressive way. The game comes from the book "Methodensammlung für Trainerinnen und Trainer" published by Manager Seminare. Seven experienced experts have compiled tools, methods and exercises for the book. The result is an impressive collection of 150 tried and tested methods, which are described according to a standardized grid.
The participants in your seminar are given the task of working together to untangle the knots and entanglements in a long rope. The task must be completed twice: The first time, the group appoints a person to give instructions. The group completes the task according to this person's instructions. The second time there is no guide. The group works at its own discretion.
A rope (5 -10 meters)
Preparation required
Time required
20 minutes
Sufficient unobstructed space
Up to 15 people
Everyone is committed to the task and gets to know the guide "up close". It is always surprising that the task is usually completed more quickly when a leader gives clear instructions.
Collection of methods for trainers
The game is taken from the book "Methodensammlung für Trainerinnen und Trainer" published by "Manager Seminare". For the book, seven experienced professionals have compiled tools, methods and exercises that they use successfully in their daily practice. The result is an impressive collection of almost 150 methods, which are described according to a standardized grid. All pages can be detached and used as DIN A5 cards.
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