125 stories for seminars, training courses and workshops
"Children are told stories to put them to sleep, adults to wake them up." This quote from Jorge Bucay fits perfectly with Detlev Blenk's book "Content in a nutshell". In his book, the trainer has compiled no fewer than 125 stories for seminars, training courses and subject areas. For example: "The badger and the polecat. A story about stars, puddles and winners". Read this inspiring story in this article.
The badger and the polecat met while foraging in the forest at night. And as they hadn't seen each other for a long time, they walked along the path side by side chatting. While the badger was paying attention to the path, the polecat kept looking up at the night sky, overlooked a puddle of water and fell in.
It was no big deal. But the badger could hardly contain his laughter and called out time and time again: "That's what happens when you look up too much!" The badger then left on his own. The polecat preened himself for a while, looked up at the sky again and then continued on his way. However, he soon came across the badger again, who had lost his way and was glad that the polecat had brought him home happily.
"How did you manage that so easily?" asked the badger. "I looked up and aligned myself with the stars," answered the polecat. "And you put up with falling into a puddle every now and then?" the badger wanted to know. "And that the badger laughs about it," added Polecat.
Source: unknown
Possible questions
- How do you interpret this story?
- What could the search for food symbolize?
- What could the stars and the pools symbolize in our (imminent) process of change?
- To what extent does our behavior correspond to that of the badger and polecat?
- How does the story fit in with how we deal with change?
- What concrete lessons can we learn from it for our (upcoming) change?
Versatile design suggestions
You can use a badger and a polecat from a toy shop as visual support by placing them in the middle of the room where they are clearly visible to all participants. You can also hand out a paper star on which everyone can write down their personal plans for the upcoming changes. This can even be used to create a beautiful collage in the style of a starry sky.
Order the book "Stories for seminars, training courses and workshops" by Detlev Blenk from ExLibris.