
"We and I" teaching method

Munterrichtsmethode «Wir und ich»

Introduction round in the seminar: "We and I" teaching method.

A new learning group in which the participants do not know each other, or only know each other a little, comes together. In addition to the thematic start with information on objectives, content and programs, the "social start" is of great importance: the greater the social acceptance and the more secure and comfortable the learners feel, the better they can engage with the learning time. The "We and I" teaching method offers a perfect start to the seminar.
Ask the learners to come together in groups of 3 to 4 people. In each case, create groups in which the participants know each other only slightly or not at all. Each group receives a flip chart sheet with different fields. The teams now have two tasks: Find commonalities and special features. In the "we field" in the middle, they enter what they have in common - everything that the people in each small group have in common:
as participants in this course
In the outer "I field", everyone enters their own name and then notes down the things that make them unique in the group.
The groups now have 15 minutes to exchange ideas and conduct research. This quickly becomes cheerful and lively when the participants find out, for example, that they have all studied abroad, go skiing and dislike Brussels sprouts.
Now ask the groups to come to the end. Now each team has the task of introducing themselves and presenting the commonalities they have identified and the respective uniqueness of the group members. All voices are heard. And in a short space of time, all learners learn a lot about and from each other.
A great way to open a seminar. Especially for courses with a long duration.

Teaching methods card set part 1 & 2

The collection contains handy postcards with short descriptions of the methods. Card set 1 with the methods 1 to 22. Card set 2 with the methods 23 to 44.
The cards are a great addition to the book "Munterrichtsmethoden".
You can use the cards to quickly find the right methods for your project when planning your seminar. No long scrolling and searching! There is a picture for each method card. This makes searching for methods even more fun!
Teaching methods. Card set 1. Order in the Neuland Shop.
Teaching methods. Card set 2. Order in the Neuland Shop.
Munterrichtsmethoden. Card set 1 & 2. Order in the Neuland Shop.
Munterrichtsmethoden. Book. Volume 1. Order in the Neuland Shop.
Munterrichtsmethoden. Book. Volume 2. order in the Neuland Shop.

Harald Gross