No surprises in the Neuland seminar poster hit parade 2020: Antoine de St. Exupéry is the undisputed number one, displacing last year's winner "The grass doesn't grow any faster if you pull on it" from first place. Compared to 2019, five new posters have appeared in the top 10.
Antoine de St. Exupéry puts everything in the shade.
"If you want to build a ship, don't get people together to get wood, prepare tools, assign tasks and divide up the work, but awaken in them a longing for the vast, endless sea." The famous quote by Antoine de St-Exupéry also outshines all other statements in the annual hit parade of the most popular Neuland seminar posters: it was downloaded more than twice as often as the second most popular poster in 2020.
A year ago, the wisdom "The grass doesn't grow any faster if you pull on it" was surprisingly in first place in the Neuland poster hit parade. This year, the poster is still in fourth place. Unsurprisingly, Antoine de St-Exupéry is in first place: "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to procure wood, prepare tools, assign tasks and divide up the work, but awaken in them a longing for the vast, endless sea."
More than twice as many downloads for St-Exupéry
What is surprising, however, is the lead: with 8,281 downloads, "If you want to build a ship" was downloaded more than twice as often as the poster in second place: "Better to start badly than to procrastinate perfectly." In contrast to 1st place, this quote does not come from a famous author. On the contrary: the author is unknown. Obviously, people who are looking for motivational posters for their seminars are primarily guided by the content and less by the authors. Because there is also a quote in third place that is not clear who wrote it: "There is a time to fish and a time to dry your nets."
The winner of 2019, "The grass doesn't grow any faster if you pull it", still made it to fourth place in 2020. With 2,745 downloads, the poster was downloaded three times less often than the outstanding winner, Antoine de St. St-Exupéry. In fifth place comes another quote that is clear who said it: "The brain is the organ with which we think that we think." It comes from the American writer Ambrose Bierce. He lived from 1842 to 1914 and Ambrose Bierce is not necessarily one of the most quoted personalities. So it's all the better that he made it into the top five in the Neuland annual hit parade.
Lots of humor in ranks six to ten.
Close behind, in sixth place, is another quote from the "humor" category: "If you always have both feet on the ground, you can't move." Author unknown. This quote was in third place a year ago and dropped three places in 2020. In 7th place is the only proverb that made it into the top 10 in 2020. "All mankind is divided into three classes: Those who are immobile. Those who are mobile. And those who move." The Arabic proverb was already ranked seventh in the download hit parade in 2019.Another author is in the top 10 with "It's the work we leave lying around that makes us tired, not the work we do". The quote comes from the Austrian writer Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (1830 to 1916). Things get funny again in ninth place. With Gerhard Kocher and his provocative statement "We don't have to tighten our belts. We need to eat less." He lost three places compared to 2019 and is now ranked ninth. The last quote to make it into the top 10 was the statement "One word too many is one thought too few". A year ago, this seminar poster was in second place in the Neuland seminar poster hit parade.
Rank 1

If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to procure wood, prepare tools, assign tasks and divide up the work, but awaken in them a longing for the vast, endless sea.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Rank 2

Better to start badly than to procrastinate perfectly.
Rank 3

There is a time to fish and a time to dry the nets.
Rank 4

The grass doesn't grow any faster if you pull it.
Rank 5

The brain is the organ with which we think that we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Rank 6

Those who always stand with both feet on the ground cannot move.
Rank 7

All mankind is divided into three classes: Those who are immobile. Those who are mobile. And those who move.
Arabic proverb
Rank 8

It is the work we leave undone that makes us tired, not the work we do.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Rank 9

We don't have to tighten our belts. We need to eat less.
Gerhard Kocher
Rank 10

A word too much is a thought too little.